Lessons From A Fabric Store | Travel Research Online


Lessons From A Fabric Store

You are probably wondering if Marchev has gone off the deep end? No I haven’t. Not yet. I want to share an observation I had while my wife Barbara and I were strolling through a fabric store looking for ideas.

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After being in the store four minutes, I felt a migraine coming on, and I don’t get migraines! I was being introduced to the three TC’s. The choices,  the colors, the costs. I must admit, there was a lot of good looking stuff in that store. Too much stuff. Choices, options, and colors are what are needed to sell tile, carpets and gizmos.

Here is the observation: on top of one of the counters was a one-foot square tile sample. It was a mosaic pattern if I had to define it. My wife was drawn straight to this “sample.” The woman running the place mentioned that two people the day before purchased this exact mosaic pattern as a result of spotting it on the counter. They saw it – they bought it (My wife spotted it, but she wasn’t ready to buy it). My advice to the store owner was to display what you want to sell. Car dealers have known this for years. The show room cars sell fast.

Vision is a wonderful thing. People buy what they can “see.” It helps if you can paint a picture; an attractive picture. A fun picture. Tell the story, your story, in your words, but in words that can paint a picture in the buyer’s mind. Let people “see” what you are talking about.

Toss in a little enthusiasm and some good things are about to come your way.

Mike Marchev is the author of the sales book titled Become The Exception and is a popular speaker at industry events. You can receive a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled “Your 12-Word Marketing Plan.” Email Mike and put the number “12” in the subject box. Also, ask about his 3rd Annual Training Cruise coming in November. Mike@MikeMarchev.com.

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