Big Ideas: Put your money where your mouth is | Travel Research Online


Big Ideas: Put your money where your mouth is

In a few short weeks, we will all be documenting our “wish list” for the New Year – 2010.

From business tactics to dietary controls, from exercise to household chores, we will once again focus toward improving our lot in life in one way or another. This is as it should be.  But what about “the warm up”? We often forget about the “warm up.”

Perhaps this is why year after year we come up short. Maybe, just maybe, we become victims of our own impetuousness. Let’s try something different this year. Let’s warm up while we still have some time left in 2009.

Athletes do it. So maybe we should give it a shot. When our bodies are not used to something there seems to be a tendency to shut down and reject our efforts. So let’s slowly get used to the changes that we are forecasting in 2010.

I don’t care at this point what it is you are planning to do differently next year, but whatever it is, I want you to do it for the next five days. Exercise? Diet? Prospecting?Re-branding? Nichifying?

Whatever you think will make your 2010 Resolutions List, try it this week. Five days is all I ask. Then go back to your current routine to finish out the year. But when January 1st comes, you will already have tried your new behavior and at least have some idea of how it will work out for you—or not.

You will have already warmed up a little bit. This will prevent your “cold-turkey” approach, and who knows, maybe next year will be the year for the “New You.” What have you got to lose? For the next five days, pretend you are already the “New You.”

The year 2010 is going to be the best year to date. Not by accident … but by design. Let’s warm up, and then make it happen.

Mike Marchev has “been around the bases” more than a few times, and enjoys sharing his street-smart lessons with who ever will pause long enough to listen.

If you are interested in receiving his FREE 7-Lesson On-Line Marketing Course, go to and sign in at the box.  It is as easy as saying Bada Bing, Bada Boom. DO IT! Now!

  2 thoughts on “Big Ideas: Put your money where your mouth is

  1. Chris Turner says:

    Mike, great idea but would rather do it for 2010 not 2008 !!!

    1. John Frenaye says:

      Hi Chris–

      I will take the blame on that mistake. It was an error I made when editing the article and putting it in the system. Mea Culpa! I have corrected it.


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