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Et tu Google?

Excuse me, dahrlings, but…
Et tu Google?

Hang on to your gourds, Pumpkins, Google is here. Apparently the search behemoth is about to buy ITA Software – a travel search servicer that is so big, (how big?) they make Softvoyage look like Goldilocks. I’ve been wondering when Google would decide to take over travel.

ITA’s motto is “Solving the Travel Industry’s Most Complex Problems”. [Don’t bother. I searched ‘how to make money’ on their website and they don’t have anything.] Point is, dahrlings, these guys have the same hold on travel as Google has on … the world. They power up AC, Aeroplan, CO, US, AL, Kayak, Orbitz…

You see where I’m going with this? We’re talking the marriage of Walmart and MacDonald’s. Facebook and Twitter. The Amazonians to the Argonauts (not the football team). Whatever. One thing I can promise you, dahrlings, is that things will change.

Canadian (and likely worldwide)  perspective courtesy of Ms. Ivanna Gabbalot and the folks at

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