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Big Ideas: Music to my ears

Last week, Lee DeWyse edged out Crystal Bowersox for the title of American Idol. Come on, you know the show. Do you remember the first season’s winner?  It was Kelly Clarkson. And I am proud to say that I particularly like her second hit titled Breakaway. It is a message-baring beauty that comes with a refreshing melody.

One morning, after getting my morning cup of coffee, I found myself sitting in the car waiting for Breakaway to end and then the lyrics hit me.

“I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway”

Pretty deep stuff from a young lady who not long ago was just another teenage wannabe. But let’s dissect each of these phrases one at a time.

Take a risk. Risk is a part of life–a life filled with excitement. If you are interested in living a life of “breadth,” and not just length, then invite a little risk into your life and allow it to play a very important part of your future.

Take a chance. I can promise you this. If you are going to win the lottery, it will come as a direct result of buying a ticket. I’m not promoting gambling as a way of life; but then again, maybe I am. The lottery thing is just an example. I am suggesting that life is a gamble, and is definitely a game worth playing outside the “safe” lines.

Make a change. If you keep doing what you are currently doing, you will keep on getting what you are already getting. If this is OK with you, it’s OK with me. But if you want new, you better begin to do something new.  If you want different, do different.

Breakaway. Make a move. Take a shot. Have some fun. Cross the line.

Thanks Kelly for a great tune … and a better reminder.

Make doing business with your organization easy. People have far too many options when it comes to spending their money. Don’t give them a reason to explore them!

Mike Marchev has “been around the bases” more than a few times, and enjoys sharing his street-smart lessons with who ever will pause long enough to listen.

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