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Search Results for: ‘Big Ideas Marchev
(91 results)

Big Ideas: Watch your Tone

Someone once told me to remember that elephants don’t bite… mosquitoes do. This is a unique way of reminding us that it is the little things, when overlooked, will do us the most harm.

I was recently reminded of this when a former business acquaintance “reached out” and gave me an unexpected phone call.  It had been a while since we last communicated which was a result of two busy people trying to make ends meet. It was good to hear his voice again Read the rest of this entry »

Chapter 5: Little Things Are Big Things

The following phrase is used in a number of different areas of our lives, and sales is no exception: STICK TO THE BASICS.

With much of the thanks going to our fast-paced, over-communicated, internet-influenced world, we all have a tendency to try the latest trend or introduce the newest technological advancement to our day-to-day activities.

In sales, this can prove fatal.

I want you to stick to the basics; dance with who “brung-ya”; focus on the little things; do what has always worked; walk before you run. You get the idea.


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Mick Jagger, Paul Simon and Mike Marchev

When the Rolling Stones sang “Time Is On Your Side” they were not talking to you or me. When Simon & Garfunkel suggested that we “kick on down the cobblestones while feeling groovy,” they obviously were not aware of the 24/7 thing soon to be coming into vogue.

Well, if nothing else, I believe I piqued your interest in wondering where Marchev is going to take this one.

I am certain that you can all benefit from today’s message. Read the rest of this entry »

Can Twelve Words Can Make a BIG Difference?

Are you ready to get down to business? You may have spent some time devising specific goals and actions to guide you through the New Year. You have likely reviewed your progress to analyze what recently went wrong and what went right. All good moves. But let me see if I can simplify this for you and save you some time. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Luxury Travel Tips

Not All Big Shots Are Stiffs

The other day I was preparing for a phone interview with a woman who by my definition, was a very successful business executive in every meaning of the word. I was doing my homework thinking she had very little time to waste and lots of responsibilities to tend to other than talking to me. In truth, I was flattered that this individual agreed to spend an hour of her time with me.

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When you’re starting a business, seeing the “big” picture is important. Many travel entrepreneurs have stated that had they known about the small details in their business, they may not have started it in the first place. This is because many of us get bogged down by all the small details, and often these small inconveniences can put us off from starting something new.

For those of you new to the travel industry, (and you old timers too), here are a few tips to help you stay focused on the “big” picture:

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“It’s generally true that if no one is excited about your service in the beginning, they never will be.”

How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big: Scott Adams, page 91

This is a hard pill to swallow for many entrepreneurs who exercise their creativity and come up with many exciting ideas. What you think is a good idea, when push comes to shove, is of little significance. Read the rest of this entry »

Selling To Big Companies: Find An Ally

“Strategic alliances are the most powerful networking strategy. Create opportunities with strategic alliances.”

Selling to Big Companies by Jill Konrath, page 93

Chapter 9: Leverage Your Network

I suppose the first question most readers have is “what does he/she mean by strategic?” The dictionary uses the words intentional, planned, calculated, and deliberate when defining the word “strategic.” “Alliances” is defined by the words deals, agreements, and coalitions. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Editorial Musings

If you have not heard of the term “social media” in the past three years, it is time to come out from the rock you have undoubtedly been living under. While social media is in a constant state of evolution, one thing is certain—it is here to stay. You can take that to the bank! Most travel professionals are using social media in some form; yet most are also misusing it. Over the next few weeks we will take a look at what works and what doesn’t. If you are in Boston for the Home Based Travel Agent Forum next week, be sure to catch my panel discussion for more ideas. But for now, I want to discuss the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to social media. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Thank me later

As sales and marketing advice goes, this may very well be up there with the best of it. This is a BIGGIE. Tune in.

I ended a recent webinar with what I consider to be some sage advice. To me, what I am about to suggest is both logical and extraordinarily simple. It is effective and incredibly apropos. It does not cost a penny and the results are extremely powerful.

The truth is however, that nobody can do what I am about to suggest without feeling uncomfortable to some degree. This last sentence, in and of itself, may explain why there are not more successful travel-related sales professionals in the United States today. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: You could be wrong

Before we all loosen up for the Holidays, let me take a few minutes to suggest that you might be wrong!

Let’s not make this thing harder than it has to be. Maybe, just maybe, you are a tad bit off kilter in your thinking. If this is true, you may want to make a few alterations before it is too late. It’s easier than you might think. But the critical first step is–you must think. As I take a break for a few weeks, let me leave you with some points to ponder. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: The write way!

I’m not sure how it all began, but the fact remains … people have a tendency to believe the written word more than they believe the spoken word. This may stem back to the days when salespeople were known for their “gift of gab.” Even today, I often hear those who are “not in the know”, talk their way in or out of a given situation.

Being a seasoned sales professional for nearly 30 years and speaking for a living for 25 of them, I am the first to acknowledge that in today’s world, talk is pretty cheap. So what is a salesperson to do? How can they continue to feed their families on a regular basis if what they say is always questioned and often in doubt? Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Woulda, coulda, shoulda

A few years back, I was compiling articles for an e-book when I received a very interesting contribution from a woman in Tuscon, AZ.

By every measure, she was a successful businesswoman; and her contribution really resonated right to my core. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: The world’s most bogus excuse

My brother and I have a saying when it comes to our ever growing “to-do” lists, “It only takes two minutes.” This is another way of acknowledging the fact that nothing is hard once you get around to it. It is the getting around to it that seems to be impossible.

The term used from coast to coast and virtually around the globe sounds something like this: “There just isn’t enough time.”  It is the world’s most famous, well-worn, popular, weather-torn bogus, in your face excuse.

If you are ready for a life-changing message then keep reading. Everything, it seems, only takes a few minutes to accomplish yet the majority of these “little things” tend to hang on to our to-do lists for some time.

Now that I have your attention, I want you to hear this: GET OVER IT. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: The biggest mistake you will ever make

You’ve made a few mistakes. I guarantee it if you’ve been in business for any length of time.

The number one mistake you will ever make while you are in business is the one mistake that you can’t apologize your way out of.  It is simply the worst. Bar none. Without exception. Hands down. Guaranteed. Numero uno.  The big Kahuna.  When you fall victim to this huge mistake, you will probably never be given a second chance to make things right. So here is some sage advice: DON’T MAKE IT.

Luckily, your customers will forgive you for a lot of the mistakes you make; and as long as you make up for the mistakes they’ll stay your customers.

Except for The Big One. There is one mistake which is unforgiveable because you’ll never get a chance to fix it. The problem is that this mistake is being made all the time in business today. If you do it, you’ll never have a chance to apologize and make up for it. After you make this one, your customers simply won’t listen to anything else you have to say!

This one, ultimate, unforgivable sin is … Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Don’t lose your balance

Several weeks ago, I was speaking to an international audience (50 countries were represented) from a Fortune 100 company. I opened by asking the audience to lift one leg off the ground and to hold that position. This was an easy exercise — balancing on one leg, anyone can do that. I congratulated them on their athletic prowess. I then approached one executive and with one finger; and I quickly and effortlessly put an end to his balancing act. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: A pep talk for the ladies

That was a recent headline in the New York Sunday Times. Apparently, women have a difficult time when it comes to promoting themselves. This was news to me, but after giving it some thought, I found myself agreeing.

According to workplace experts, woman, regardless of occupation or seniority, are often quite poor at self-promotion – and, as a result, are often hurt in their professional advancement. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Do it again, go on!

I was reminded of this simple yet profound truth on a webinar I was conducting just last week. This one is important my friends, and very deep. Tune in. And listen to what I am about to share with you.

As I always do, I asked my coaching students for their recent good news-bad news stories. I do this so we can all learn from each other, both good and bad. The topic was distribution, and more specifically, how we can increase our service distribution path. I offered an idea and one “student” immediately shared the fact that she had done exactly what I was talking about … and that it worked to perfection.

I applauded her positive efforts and asked her to share more of the story and how the success evolved. Remember, this was on a seminar conducted just last week. Her reply was met with disbelief and more than a modicum of chagrin. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Music to my ears

Last week, Lee DeWyse edged out Crystal Bowersox for the title of American Idol. Come on, you know the show. Do you remember the first season’s winner?  It was Kelly Clarkson. And I am proud to say that I particularly like her second hit titled Breakaway. It is a message-baring beauty that comes with a refreshing melody.

One morning, after getting my morning cup of coffee, I found myself sitting in the car waiting for Breakaway to end and then the lyrics hit me.

“I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway”

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Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Get easy

Not long ago, I was working with a sign company whose tag-line was “We Make It Easy.” This phrase was included on all of their promotional materials, and I first noticed it in the upper left-hand corner of their business card.

Since I was dealing with the top dog in the company, I decided to ask him if his employees actually did make doing business easy. I was a caught by surprise when the president answered, Read the rest of this entry »

Posted In: Point-to-Point

Big Ideas: Get validated

Yes, believe it or not, even the motivator has a down day or two. Although in most cases, I don’t like to admit this to the public because “I am supposed to be up all the time.”

Sorry to burst your bubble. If you are a member of the human race and still have the ability to fog a mirror, a few of your days will be less than stellar. Get used to the idea.

When this natural phenomenon, (blame it on your celestial chart) occurs, pick up the phone and call someone you trust who can remind you of the obvious, and give you a gentle whack back into reality. Read the rest of this entry »