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Grandma’s Lessons for Facebook Etiquette

I absolutely love brussel sprouts!  I’m also a sci-fi nerd and mourn the day Battlestar Galactica ended.  I have elevated the perfect espresso shot to nirvana status and I cannot stand any type of seafood.  Like any other human being, I am a complicated mix of thoughts, ideas, opinions and more.  Some people think I’m a freak, and others love me for my weirdness.

 My quirky life was rarely discussed outside my circle of friends and family until something amazing happened:  Facebook!  Now, I can reach out to others just as mixed up and wacky as I am!  I can connect with brussel sprout supporters and latte lovers the world over.  The trouble is, everyone is watching, including clients.

 How can I express my views without alienating friends, or offending clients that may not share my passions?  By listening to what my grandmother told me when I was a kid:  “If you can’t say it nicely, don’t say it at all.”  I would add one more tip:  find another place to say it.


 Listening to my grandmother, I could instead post “BRUSSEL SPROUTS MAKE ME SMILE!” or “CAFFEINE IS MY FUEL OF CHOICE.” …or better yet – I could just not say any of it at all.

 Facebook is powerful and amazing.  From my political ideology to my thoughts on spirituality, I have plenty of passionate things I could post about.  But as my grandmother also said “there is a time and a place for everything.”  The Facebook “wall” is probably not the place.  

 If I really feel the need to debate, I turn to the Facebook discussion groups.  There, I can toss around my opinion and read that of others.  

 For travel agents I suggest treating your wall postings like the windows of your agency.  Think carefully about what you put on display.  You wouldn’t hang your personal laundry there to dry.  

 Lastly, my grandmother had another gem you’ve heard a thousand times:  “You can attract a lot more flies with sugar than vinegar.”  Cruises and tours are much sweeter treats indeed.

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