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Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas by CLIA

Everyone has a beach they compare all others to: perfect, crystal- clear waters, sugary white sand, vibrant blue skies overhead with the sun beaming down upon all of it – the perfect atmosphere. Green Turtle Cay falls into this category as it is one of the most beautiful and uninhabited islands in the Bahamas, making it the perfect location for a private getaway.

The island’s small interior is spotted with unique villages; the buildings have steep roofs tracing their roots back to the New England settlers who colonized the area. While this may not be familiar territory to some, Green Turtle Cay is an excellent place to get away from the hustle and bustle of Pictureeveryday life.  Since it is only a short flight away from South Florida with a 10-minute ferry ride from the airport to the island, losing precious vacation time traveling is not an issue. Within the island’s three-mile long by approximately half-mile wide watery boundaries lies an abundance of activities – local marinas and resorts, deep-sea fishing, fantastic diving with access to certain parts of the beautiful Abacos’ 100-mile long barrier reef, the village of New Plymouth, museums.

The best part?  The island is home to about 500 residents.  The true definition of privacy is unknown until you visit Green Turtle Cay.  It is the perfect place to send clients who seek the definition of relaxation.

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Staying true to its roots, Green Turtle Cay has kept a low-key lifestyle, easily seen within its bars, clubs, and restaurants.  The island theme is fluent throughout, especially in the main city of New Plymouth.  For those looking to kick back and enjoy the atmosphere, The Rooster’s Rest is the place to be.  A crossover of Reggae themes combined with Rock-n-Roll, it is sure to please all who seek the club scene (not to mention it is one of the most acclaimed hot spots in all of the Bahamas).  As for bars, the world famous tropical cocktail dubbed “Goombay Smash” was created in Green Turtle Cay, and can be found at its source, The Blue Bee Bar.

PictureGiven the small dimensions of the island, traditional public transportation is non-existent.  The use of golf carts and bicycles is mainstream, which further adds to the relaxed lifestyle of the island.  This does not make commuting a challenge at all, though, as everything is in close proximity.

Green Turtle Cay is a small island with plenty to discover: a sparkling diamond within the Bahamas.  It offers serenity for those who seek it and is beautiful year-round.  Its fantastic uniqueness, local flavor, and remarkable natural treasures, like the green turtle nests for which it is named, are sure to entice clients who visit.

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