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The Traveling Kidd — Getting coached

Do you ever feel like you have a thousand different ideas but can’t narrow down the one that is going to fit for your business; the one that is going to put your brand on the map?

For me it has been an ongoing struggle for the last two years.  After finally making a decision to strike out on my own I have had to start from scratch, creating a new identity. And that is just not an easy thing to do.  I was fortunate enough to come up with the creative concept that would help in the creation of my web design and the few marketing materials that I have but now what?  How do I put a plan of action together to really market me?  I’ve spent countless hours trying to figure this out and I have finally thrown in the towel and admitted that I need help!  This is where business coaching comes in.

I am a firm believer in paying professionals to do what they do best.  I am not a very good do-it-yourselfer.   I feel to get to the next level I need a professional who can take a hard look at my business and tell me what I am doing wrong, right, or what I can do better.

I recently read an article on how to find the right business coach for you.  The article challenged its readers to ask themselves whether they were truly ready to be helped.  Not only am I ready and open to what he or she has to say; but also I am ready to make the commitment (financially and physically) to implement any plan of action we come up with.

Do you have, or have you used, a business coach? Has it worked for you?  Are you currently at a plateau in your business and contemplating coaching as well?  If so, what type of things are you looking for in a coach? Leave a comment and together we will figure it all out!

Tracy Kidd is the owner and agent of The Traveling Kidd in Central New Jersey. She specializes in planning travel for couples, friend getaways, and groups.  She is a member of NACTA and entered the industry in 2010. Yo can contact Tracy at  or by email at

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