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The Traveling Kidd–Over, out, and pumped for 2013

When I was asked to contribute to the Travel Agent Diaries, I initially felt I had nothing to contribute that a veteran or new agent would find remotely interesting.  After a bit of back and forth, I was convinced that I had plenty to contribute.  And I am very thankful for that vote of confidence and that push.  The Travel Agent Diaries series, in so many ways, has contributed to my professional and personal development. 

In January, I decided to strike out on my own with a new niche and a new “brand.”  I had plenty of ideas but no clue how to implement them.  I am notorious for overwhelming myself; and my penchant for multi-tasking often derails my well laid out plans.  Contributing to the diaries was a great incentive for me to set monthly goals.  Primarily, so I would have something to write about every month.  What ultimately happened, was I found myself focusing on the framework that would later benefit my new niche business; and I learned quite a few things about myself and how to more effectively run my business.

In my first article I found the courage to admit that I got off on the wrong foot and needed to start over. Of course the anxiety of a fresh start came along with it! Each month brought a new challenge and my article was like a report card that I got to share with my peers.  Challenges presented themselves. I had to worry about performing a great consultation, finding the best networking solution for your business, using social media effectively, and how to hire a business coach. Hopefully my trial and error was able to help someone that finding themselves facing similar challenges.

2012 was also a year of discovery.  I discovered that I had been sleeping on a target market. As a fitness fanatic who is unwilling to compromise my lifestyle while I travel, I know how important it is to find destinations that cater to a more health and body conscious customer.   And so the was born.  In an industry full of go-getters trying to find the niche that will set them apart from the rest, I feel I am on the right track and I am pumped to see where this new specialization takes me.

My goal this year was simple. I wanted to figure out what the Traveling Kidd could do; and to position myself for success in 2013. My original plan has definitely changed over the year.  Traveling Kidd went from, just another agency specializing in cruises to a boutique agency with a specialization in group travel and destinations for the fitness fanatic. Did I say I was pumped for 2013?

Tracy Kidd is the owner and agent of The Traveling Kidd in Central New Jersey. She specializes in planning travel for couples, friend getaways, and groups.  She is a member of NACTA and entered the industry in 2010. Yo can contact Tracy at  or by email at



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