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Get your act together

Are you easy to work with?  Do you make it easy for customers to buy their travel from your agency?  They may seem like strange questions, but there are a lot of businesses out there today that really do not care.  They make it hard to do business with them.  Here are two separate, fictional businesses, each is handling a simple task–one is the right way. Which story defines your agency?

Story #1. I do the work.

I called a store and asked about a replacement glass cover for a kitchen light fixture. I was told that I would have to take a picture of the part and come into the store since they did not have a computer. I am not saying a computer makes or breaks a business. I am saying that the burden was quickly transferred onto my shoulders and what at first appeared as an easy fix was becoming more difficult by the second.

Story #2. You do the work

I ran out of shipping boxes and had to call my supplier. Before I could finish my “hello” and explain my predicament, the gal on the other end of the phone was checking my past order on her computer screen, calling me by name, and confirming my shipping address. Within 47 seconds I had placed my new order, received a confirmation number and was off the phone.

Which story more closely resembles you?

Number 2 is obviously is my vendor of choice.

Is your act together? Or at the very least, is it coming together? Are you easy to work with? When your clients and prospects hang up are they pleasantly surprised? Are you leaving a friendly, easy to work-with reputation in your wake?

If you do (when you do) the people you touch will be feeling better for having met you. And this is what you always need to work on.

Get your act together and make it easy to do business with you.

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