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Creating a Great Travel Newsletter

Emailed newsletters remain one of the best possible ways to communicate with your clients.  A strong newsletter keeps you top of mind, a way of touching your clients on a regular basis while providing them with important content. This week, we are going to look at some of the most important considerations for creating and managing an effective email newsletter.

As a primary representative of your brand, taking on a newsletter is no small project. A newsletter requires articles, design, list management and other challenges for you and what is no doubt an already busy staff. When a client signs up for a newsletter, they expect to receive information on a regular basis. Make early decisions about the frequency of your mailings, the length and the “voice”  you will use. Consistency is vital as clients quickly become comfortable when they know what to expect.  Deviations from your earliest newsletter elements can disrupt their expectations and they may unsubscribe.

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Let’s think first about the editorial mission of your newsletter.  What is your goal?  If it is to entertain, to inform and educate, you are on the right track.  Consumers want to feel empowered and they view you as an expert who can provide them with the knowledge they need. The quality of the content you provide will be an absolute reminder, for better or for worse, of your brand.  If the content is superior, it will reflect well on your brand.  Weak content will cause the reader to quickly lose interest and drift elsewhere for their information.

Keep your content filled with substance. Focus on news of real interest. Stay current on trends and communicate those trends to your clients with a personal touch.  Use TRO’s Travelgram for article ideas. Keep a file folder of ideas for articles.  Use social media trending for ideas on topics of immediate and strong interest.  Provide tips having real value to travelers and use the opportunity to train your clients in travel best practices. Remember that attention spans tend to be short when reading online.  Make your newsletter easy to scan and link to your website for more information.

 Tomorrow: Design and Formatting

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