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5 tips for creating winning email marketing messages

Despite the meteoric rise of social media, email is still one of the best methods for getting your message into the hand, or inboxes, of your clients and prospects. Hopefully everyone is employing an email service to send out newsletters and marketing messages. Other email clients are fine for transactional messages, but fall woefully short for broadcasting your marketing messages—if for no other reason, you will not have any idea how successful your efforts may be—if at all.

But using a service is also not the answer in and of itself.  The preliminary goal is to get your email opened, and the final goal is to get the recipient to click through and take action on your message.  When creating your messages, give your email the best chance of hitting a home run with these 5 tips.

Marketing email is not rocket science; however, effective marketing email is quite a bit more than a copy and paste into an open Outloook window.

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