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5 Ways to Inspire Your Travel Agency Clients – Communicate the Experience

Your clients are under a misapprehension. They think you sell travel. Instead, help them buy an experience. Many of your clients, particularly those less traveled, see travel as a collection of products: an airline ticket, a hotel room, a beachfront and some sightseeing. If indeed you market that way, it’s time to re-orient your marketing and sales techniques. Travel is about experiences, not the components or the logistics of a trip. Those things may contribute to the experience, but the aspect that lasts the longest in memory and is ultimately the most valuable to your client is the total experience of the trip. That is what, in the final analysis, motivates your client.

Travel is about being in a new, exciting destination. Travel is about the smells, the sights and the sounds. Travel is about strange food. Travel is about being a little bit frightened. Travel is about experiencing things you have never before seen, maybe things you have thought about since you were a child. Travel is about Big Ben, the Eifel Tower, they Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Travel is about wind on your face and sun in your hair, it’s about seeing your child visit the Grand Canyon for the first time or watching your father take the trip he denied himself so you could go to college.
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Reach back and remember why you are in the travel industry. Generate within yourself the mystery and awe, the raw emotion you have felt when traveling. Infuse your sales literature, advertisements and enthusiasm with that energy and you almost cannot fail to inspire your clients.

You owe this type of craft to your clients. If you believe in travel’s ability to change a person, if you think that travel is an experience that stays with a person a lifetime, if you would rather travel than do anything else, then you owe it to your clients to offer up the best possible vision of travel you can muster. You owe them inspiration.

It’s a mission.

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