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Lesson 9: a concept called “Kaizen”

I want to talk to you about a term called Kaizen.  Kaizen is spelled K-A-I-Z-E-N, and it’s all about incremental improvement as a means for change. Little by little gets things done.

Here is how it works.  Let’s say you finally get the message and you believe it is in your best interest to give up French fries as your favorite junk food.  French fries are good and tasty … and try as you might the chances of giving up French fries cold turkey is pretty much impossible.

So, order the French fries. And then let the Kaizen method lead the way. The kaizen way is reality based. Buy the French fries.  Take one French fry out of the box, throw it away, and eat the rest. Next time take two French fries out of the box, and enjoy the rest.  As the months pass, you’re going to be throwing away more than you are eating, and there will come a time when there’s going to be one French fry in in a box you paid dearly for.  Little by little you wean your way off your targeted behavior. Before you know it, you will be talking to yourself saying something like: “This is nuts.  I’m done eating French fries. And BINGO! You are off French fries for good.

Beginning a long overdue exercise program can work the same way.  On day one, go touch the exercise machine.  On day two, stand on the exercise machine.  On day three, move your legs for five seconds.  Wean your way incrementally, and soon you’ll be exercising 30 – 45 minutes a day, and it’ll be painless.

A lesson I learned while training for the Ironman Triathlon competition in 1996 was that the “mind quits before the body does.“ When you fail to reach a goal or objective that is meaningful to you, the reason is more often than not, a mental issue. You allow your mind to dictate your future.

By adopting the Kaizen Method you will soon see that by taking a single step followed by continued steps you will fool your mind into believing that nothing is too difficult. As a result, you will be landing in the winner’s circle more often than not.

Kaizen. Remember it. Try it. Endorse it, and then you can shoot me an email sharing your success story.

Mike Marchev will soon be bringing his sales lessons to the river and to the sea.  Drop him an email at to receive all the details. You got into this business because you enjoy travel. So, let’s go travel. There is one more article next week and this completes the series of ten being sponsored by AMAWaterways. If you enjoyed my messages, please drop your AMAWaterways BDM an email.

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