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Shoreside Exploring On Silver Discoverer In Russia’s Far East

This morning, we cruised into Glubokaya Bay where we discovered a beautiful beach and made our way ashore.

We assembled in small groups to learn more about this expansive glacial valley here in the vast Kamchatka region. We broke off into smaller groups with expedition leaders who informed us about the history and geology of what we were seeing.

It was a stunningly beautiful day, and after an hour or so ashore we made our way back to Silver Discoverer to have lunch while the ship repositioned. We boarded Zodiacs once again for an afternoon of exploring.

Our second outing was exploration in its truest form because we were not certain where we would step ashore.

After a few attempts, we spotted a beach and zipped along on the Zodiacs to reach it. There was plenty of evidence of bear activity on the beach — and for good reason: the water here was thick with salmon.

We spent 15 minutes or so observing the pinkish salmon. The beautiful creatures were in the last stages of their lives here.

We proceeded uphill along well-worn bear tracks, pausing with the expedition leaders to appreciate the wildflowers and other plants along the way.

It was humbling to think that we were walking on a path that had been treaded not by humans but by majestic bears.

Continuing up the paths made by bears, we sought to fully absorb the beauty of what we were witnessing. After 15 minutes or so observing a landscape that few humans have seen before we boarded our Zodiacs once again to head back to Silver Discoverer after an inspiring day of exploring ashore.

An avid traveler and an award-winning journalist, Ralph Grizzle produces articles, video and photos that are inspiring and informative, personal and passionate. A journalism graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ralph has specialized in travel writing for more than two decades. To read more cruise and port reviews by Ralph Grizzle, visit his website at

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