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Your Company’s Visual System – Internal Coordination

Make a quick list of all of the places your company’s visual system is evident. This will most likely be on your business cards, your letterhead, your web site, presentations and Facebook page. Perhaps your logo and other visual elements appear on the window of your office or on your fliers. Now, evaluate whether over time those elements have remained identical or whether they have drifted into similar but slightly different variations.

Sometimes the variations are subtle.  Taglines are re-positioned and wording changed.  The orientation or position of logo elements are altered on differing media. Colors and fonts change from format to format.

Variations in your company’s visual system confuse the public.  The fundamental purpose of a visual system is to identify your brand and your promise of great performance.  If each time the brand looks slightly different, however, your logo and other visual elements will fail to take hold in the public’s memory.

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A key strategy in maintaining a consistent branding policy is to centralize all branding efforts.  Put an individual in charge of your visual system.  The responsibility of the branding czar is to communicate to every employee how the company’s brand is to appear.  Internal communications are then important to insure employees are in turn relaying the company’s visual system consistently to clients and others outside the company.

The Branding Czar should establish and publish a set of  brand specifications.  The specifications should then be discussed internally with all employees.  In addition, the specifications can be provided to outside contractors building or working with media for the company.

Often your logo and visual system will be shared with partners who will publish the logo, such as trade show operators or event organizers. The internal branding czar should also have the responsibility of communicating the company branding specifications with persons outside the business.  Each point of contact will thus carry a consistent styling.

As you put together your presentations, advertising and proposals, maintain a consistent branding specification. The elements of the varying media may, and should, change given their place in your tactics and strategies, but your branding must carry through each unchanged. Branding consistency ensures the clients relate the positive emotions generated by each touch point back to you and your travel practice.

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