Good Public Relations – Perpetuating the Story | Travel Research Online


Good Public Relations – Perpetuating the Story

In a marketing context, you want to treat good pubic relations much as you would a testimonial, exposing it to potential, new and existing clients.  Just as testimonials shorten the sales cycle with clients who do not know you, so does a good media placement.   Testimonials and  a good media placement properly promoted are a short cut: others are happy with your performance, providing assurances I will be as well.

It’s your mission to get the word out.  Blowing your own horn is a perfectly acceptable business tactic.  In fact, if you don’t blow your horn, it’s likely nobody else will. But you have a limited time frame before the story goes stale, so get moving!

Today, we look at two additional ways to ensure a greater number of people will see your media public relations.

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Step Seven: Talk It Up

If you have an active marketing program, you may find yourself speaking on travel many times throughout the year. Standing in front of groups of people provides you with an instant platform as an expert.  Be sure to work your media placement into the talk.  Quote the placement and tell the story of the placement.  Take along copies as a part of your portfolio.

Step Eight: Frame it!

If your placement is an article, make a copy, frame it and hang it prominently in any public space you control.  If the placement is an interview, get a picture representing the placement and frame and hang it!  Be sure to include the logo of the media to continue to utilize their credibility.

Tomorrow: Wrap it up!


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