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Clients can spot a quiet confidence. Feeling good about your travel practice, its prospects and the job you are doing for clients shows. People rally behind the self-confident person who carries their confidence with grace.  It’s easy to understand why: confidence inspires confidence.  Yet, confidence must be genuine and authentic, borne of a sense that you can actually accomplish the tasks and projects you set out to do, and you can accomplish them with style.

There are a few things each of us can do to maintain the proper attitude and to generate the inner confidence we need to approach each and every day correctly. Confidence can be built.

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Stress is the #1 enemy of confidence.  Locate the stress points in your life and begin working on resolving the issues causing you undue, unwanted stress.

Confidence is easy to muster when things are going well. The key is to keep your self-confidence in place when things take a bad turn. It is too easy to let a bad week or a negative event affect the way you perceive your own performance as a travel planner. No business person will operate for long without a mishap or a setback. The secret is in bouncing back after a fall. Understand mishaps for what they are – opportunities to learn, to reshape your methods and to grow into the next stage of your business and personal maturity. Choose to silence your inner critic – put your confident Self in charge of each and every day.


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