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Do you remember way back when? Do you miss it?

Not so long ago, at an industry event where I was about to speak, I was sitting at a table full of travel agents.  As often happens, the subject of “the good old days” came up.  I joined in with four fellow long-timers to share almost mythical stories of happy flight attendants, tasty airline meals, free FAM trips, agent upgrades,  and rock-solid commission structures.  One tablemate said with a sigh “I sure miss the way things used to be.”

After about twenty minutes of listening politely, a relative newcomer to the industry had had enough.  “That all sounds lovely, but I’ve also heard that you made very little money, had almost no say in how you ran your own business, and that you could get shut down for typos on carbon-paper airline tickets.” We all stared, momentarily speechless.

“Well, sort of” another agent replied. “But, the business was fun then!  Suppliers didn’t compete with us, it was a more level playing field, and we didn’t have to worry about the Internet.”

The newcomer smiled. “OK, I understand now.  What you are really saying is that even though you didn’t make much money, it was easy. It is different now. Thank goodness!”

Then, hardly skipping a beat, she lit up with excitement as she told us all about the new amazing and exciting travel industry that she had come to know and love.  Here are the highlights as best as I can remember:

Moments later, it was my turn to take the stage and speak.  My first slide said “These Are The Good Old Days.” I gave the newcomer a wink as if to thank her for the perfect set-up.

Yes, I miss some things from the way back when, but I would never trade any of them for the freedom and opportunities of today.  Onward and upward!

What do you think? Do you miss the old times? Do you know them? What are your successes? Please leave a comment!

Nolan Burris is an author, former travel agent, failed musician and self-professed techno-geek. He’s also a popular international speaker both inside and outside of the travel industry.  He is the founder and chief Visioneer of Future Proof Travel Solutions ( based in Vancouver, Canada.  Nolan’s believes that if can change the way business works, you’ll change the world. His goal is to spread the message of integrity and ethics in a techno-driven world.

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