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I Am A Lot Smarter Than You!

I could wax eloquent on this boast, but in the interest of time, I will immediately address the subject at hand.

I believe this to be true and I say this for five very simple reasons:

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  1. I read a lot. I don’t care what books you read while attending Harvard, MIT, Wellesley, or Smith (I was a History Major at UMASS and for the past 40 years, I have yet to be asked a question about the Battle of 1812). I read books about people and their behavior traits.
    I do want to know everything I can about people, sales, marketing, why people think the way they do, and how the different generations differ in thought and practice. The answer to all these questions comes as a result of reading. And I read a lot.
    Do you read a lot? Or are you content on staring at your diploma from a zillion years ago?
  2. I fail a lot. I refuse to stay within my comfort zone and play it safe. I am constantly trying new things both on and off the Internet. I believe that with failure comes learning. I fail a lot. I learn a lot.
    Do you fail a lot? Do you learn from your failures?
  3. I am coachable. Knowing you don’t know it all is key. Being able to internalize constructive criticism and learn from others’ experiences is a skill worth developing. With being coachable comes the willingness to practice. I practice a lot.
    Do you practice a lot?
  4. I listen a lot. Most people simply wait their turn to speak. I listen a lot.
    Do you listen a lot? Do you enter a conversation with the understanding that you already know what you know, and that the trick is to learn and benefit from what others know?
    The key is to develop a skill for “listening.” Go to school on other people.
  5. I laugh a lot. The ability to find the humor in most situations is a skill that differentiates the true professionals from the amateurs. Humor drives a happy environment. Being confident enough to laugh at yourself places others at ease. I laugh a lot.
    Do you laugh a lot?

And there you have it. Five reasons why I believe I am smarter than you.

I believe that I read, failed, learned, listened, and laughed more than you do.

But as in everything I do and say, I may be wrong. I may not be smarter than you. In your case, I truly hope I am wrong. I want to believe that you read, fail, learn, listen and laugh more than I do. Because if you do, you are on your way to a super-fine life.

Get on track. Then keep on track. Be smarter than me.

Mike Marchev is the author of the sales book titled Become The Exception and is a popular speaker at industry events. You can receive a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled “Your 12-Word Marketing Plan.” Email Mike and put the number “12” in the subject box. Also, ask about his 3rd Annual Training Cruise coming in November.

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