It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To | Travel Research Online


It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To

It dawned on me this morning that this is my column, and I can write anything I want. Cool! Very cool indeed.

I also reflected on the fact that it is your time and you can choose to use your time any way you wish. Reading my thoughts each month is just a single option.

Therefore, if I want you to read, I better write something worth reading. This is known in the trade as “customer focus.” Here it goes:

Click Here!

Common Sense:

Have you ever been wrong? I have been wrong. Lots of times. I am wrong sometimes because I listened to others. More often than not it is because I listened to myself.

Years ago (many years ago) I was introduced to the concept of Blogging. It was early in the game. I was ahead of the curve, but I thought better of the idea. I listened to me. Now, I am behind the eight-ball.

Social media, blogging and the like are proving to be a valid alternative to yesterday’s marketing principles. I am planning to jump back on the bandwagon. Stay tuned.


Attitude is a funny thing. We all have more than one. The truth is that we all have the power to choose which one is best for us. The sad thing is that most of the time we select the wrong option.

Yes, it is up to you. The fact is that this thing called life is a fleeting experience. Yes, bad things will come and go. But you can decide to enjoy the day, the experience, the ride regardless of the good, bad, or indifferent situations that appear each and every day.

Dollars and Cents:

Why don’t more people enjoy the lost art of reading? The answer may have something to do with “instant gratification” and the introduction of TV and video games; not to mention the remote control or just plain laziness.

Why do people think that they know all they need to know when with a little more input and motivation they could be far better off?

Why don’t more people invest in their future by picking up copies of:

Become The Exception

The Sales Bible

The 52-Week Sales Planner Road Map

More-On Marketing

I don’t have the answer to these questions. Do you?

Mike Marchev is the author of the sales book titled Become The Exception and is a popular speaker at industry events. You can receive a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled “Your 12-Word Marketing Plan.” Email Mike and put the number “12” in the subject box. Also, ask about his 3rd Annual Training Cruise coming in November.

  One thought on “It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To

  1. I confess the first sentence made me a bit nervous. 🙂


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