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Whose Idea Was That?

I have found over the years that the most powerful word in the English language is the word “love.” Tell somebody that you “love” them and you are sure to get their attention. The second most powerful word that comes close is the word “idea.”

You tell somebody that you have an “idea,” and I can virtually guarantee you that their response will not be, “That’s too bad. Pass the ketchup.”

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Ideas by their very nature are intriguing and most people who are still capable of fogging a mirror want to hear what you have in mind. This doesn’t infer that they will endorse your idea, or even think that it is plausible, but they will want to hear it. Let’s assume for the moment that this is the case.

With this in mind, and believing it is true (which it is), then doesn’t it make sense to “have more ideas” and then offer to share your ideas with interested parties?

The problem with most people today is that they don’t believe in anything: Their capabilities. Their companies. Their ideas. Their chosen career path. Their value systems. Their future. Their anything. It has just become easier to settle into the same-old, same-old and wait until Friday rolls around. (Which I might add occurs faster and faster as the years pass by.)

I would like to put an end to this boorish behavior and call for a movement. Let’s share more “ideas” with each other.

Granted, most ideas will be absurd and lack any possibility of implementation. Some will be down-right stupid and lack any creativity whatsoever. Some may be intriguing and others may be laughable. But some might be exactly what we need to hear.

All meaningful inventions initially surfaced as an idea. One noteworthy idea was given a failing grade in college years ago since anybody with a brain knows that FedEx wouldn’t work. Tom Watson, Mr. IBM himself, went on record to say that the computer would never find a place in the home. Put a man on the moon? What have you been smoking?

But I’m not talking about these kinds of ideas, although collectively they do make a point. I’m talking about calling somebody up on the telephone and asking them if they would be interested in organizing a fundraiser. I’m talking about conducting your own travel-related conference call on a weekday evening using Free Conference Call. I’m talking about contacting your local wine merchant to see if they would like to collaborate with you on a local project. I’m talking about approaching just about anybody to tell them “you have an idea.” They will listen to you and respond.

Tell me you don’t want to have ideas. Tell me you are too lazy to have ideas. Tell me you haven’t come up with an idea in twenty years. But DON’T tell me ideas don’t capture attention. Because I know better.

Mike Marchev is the author of the sales book titled Become The Exception and is a popular speaker at industry events. You can receive a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled “Your 12-Word Marketing Plan.” Email Mike and put the number “12” in the subject box. Also, ask about his 3rd Annual Training Cruise coming in November.

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