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Do what you say

My father in law was the kindest, gentlest person I know; and very slow to anger. The only time I witnessed his irritation was directed at one of his grandchildren who had agreed to do something for him and blew him off. In no uncertain terms he told them that if they made a commitment they needed to honor it. It was not acceptable to say they were going to do something and not follow through with it.

He was a wise man and those words have stuck in my head. Honor commitments, promises and follow through.

As travel agents follow through is crucial to retain and nurture relationships with your clients. But, how many agents get busy and either don’t call back when they say they are going to, or forget altogether? You would be amazed at the number of calls received when I had my own agency, and even now, from clients who contacted another agent who failed to get back to them in a timely manner–if at all. It doesn’t reflect well on travel agents as a whole when this happens.

Do what you say and follow through. If you tell a client you are going to call them at a specific time you should be calling at that designated time unless an act of nature intervenes. Likewise, if you tell a client you will have a quote prepared in a couple of days make sure you do.

Follow up with a phone call after you send an email with important information to make sure they have received it, read it and (most importantly) understand it. Too often clients skim things and don’t really grasp what you are trying to convey. Make sure your client understands the small details, transfer pick up points, check in requirements, currency exchange, distances and time from hotel to airport. Don’t just put it in an email and hope for the best. Go over it with them to make sure they understand everything. Your clients may not be well traveled. And, for some, the trip they booked with you is their first time out of the country.

Nurture your clients, spend time clarifying things with them and follow through when you say you are going to. Exceed their expectations. Happy clients equal lifelong clients and more referrals for you.

Mary Stephan is the IC Team Sales Leader for Preferred Travel of Naples.  Mary can be reached by email at or online at

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