With Just A Little Coaching | Travel Research Online


With Just A Little Coaching

One of my favorite seminar messages involved a well-known talented golfer and how the best in the business finds time to practice and spend time with his coach.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the higher you climb on the success ladder, the better the chances that you have and use a coach. But more than just “having” a coach, it behooves you to “listen” to your coach. And better yet, do something with the new information, techniques, and reminders you are being introduced to.

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Last Thursday I was speaking to a group of “professional” sales people and I asked them to go a tad above the normal as it related to their effort. One person responded by reminding me that they already work hard enough and that their personal time off was their own. I know the world doesn’t always think like I do but just the same, I felt bad upon hearing this all too often sentiment.

Being of sound mind and body, and not particularly in the mood to go to task with this individual, I neither felt sorry for them or thought I was good enough or wise enough to reverse their thought process. Some people are satisfied with their current effort. Some people feel they are working at 100% as it is. Some people are entrenched in denial and some people are not coachable.

That is okay. “It is all good”, as the popular saying goes.

That attitude and opinion is just not mine. I’m not implying that you give up your family life or your hobby of making wine in the basement or pressing flowers. I’m strongly suggesting that your competition is lacking and with a little more effort, a little more speed, a little more creativity and a little more “you”, your universe can be improved dramatically.

Mike Marchev is the author of the sales book titled Become The Exception and is a popular speaker at industry events. You can receive a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled “Your 12-Word Marketing Plan.” Email Mike and put the number “12” in the subject box. Also, ask about his 3rd Annual Training Cruise coming in November. Mike@MikeMarchev.com.

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