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Do something!

Things work when you make them work. Seems pretty simple, right?  Your job is to make things work. Pretty simple concept as well, right?  If so, then why isn’t more of this type of stuff going on? Here are three ideas to think about as you map out the future for your agency.

The Lunch Meeting

Last week out of the blue, a subscriber of mine called and asked if they could meet over a salad and a cup of coffee—”just to brainstorm and explore a few opportunities.” I did not know this person, but my calendar was clear so I agreed. I enjoyed lunch immensely and I now have a contact that might be useful for me someday. How did this meeting materialize? Someone asked me to lunch.

Referral Introduction

A client of mine thought I would enjoy meeting one of his colleagues. He called me and asked if I would be receptive to a meeting. Sure! I was soon meeting with a marketing director of a small firm to discuss how we can fix the world by coupling our marketing wisdom. (It was a joke!) I now have a contact that can be useful to me at some point.  How did this happen? A client asked.

Telephone Call

I received a phone call one day that sounded like a good opportunity. I began to investigate and do some due diligence. I discovered a “Special Report”/white paper on the Internet that I thought would help my investigation. I hesitated when asked for a credit card number to complete the purchase. “What if the material is not right for me?” I asked myself. I picked up the phone and dialed a Houston phone number knowing that this was going to be an exercise in bottomless voice mail. Wrong! For the next 60 minutes I had one of the most refreshing and stimulating conversations I have had in a long time. I bought the paper and I had stumbled on another key resource. How did this happen? I made a call.

Things will happen when you make them happen. Ask for a meeting. Dial your phone. Good things will happen.

Mike Marchev has lots more to share with you. Email him today to receive a Special Report titled, “THE BEST ADVICE I EVER GAVE TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS” at Be sure to write the word “advice” in the subject box, and while you’re at it, include what you enjoy about reading Mike’s column.

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