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Honeymoons Designed – Nana (bye-bye in Tahitian) until next time!

Wow, time flies. I cannot believe that 2015 is coming to a close. Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday I was writing my very first diary, and now sadly my last.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing for Travel Research Online this year and would like to thank them for considering, and asking me, to be a part of the 2015 series. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the various posts and gleaned actionable information from them. I know that I have learned a great deal from my fellow writers, which has helped spark new ideas for me going forward.

In my diaries, I posted several times about planning ahead, staying organized, prioritizing, and getting hands-on education each year to grow my expertise. Taking my own advice, I am happy to say that I am almost complete with my very detailed 2016 marketing plan. Over the next 2 months I will be working closely with my graphic designer to revamp several marketing pieces and have them ready to go for the first bridal show of the season on January 3rd. I have email templates and auto-responders ready to go, along with direct mail pieces to send out to those who show a nice interest. Doing this will be a complete first for me. I have never, in almost 10 years, been this prepared in advance, and I owe it to having this writing opportunity. It kept pre-planning top of mind and something that I made a priority.

Having just returned from the yearly Ensemble conference in Orlando, I am now armed with a few more to-do items in preparation for 2016, and I encourage you all to plan ahead as well. It truly will make your lives much more manageable during the “wave.” Especially if you are home-based like me and work alone.

It has truly been a magnificent year, even if it went by very fast. I hope you all have enjoyed my diaries and gotten some nuggets that you can use in your business. It has been a pleasure and an honor to write for TRO, and I encourage anyone with an interest to consider it as well. Writing has made me learn so much about my business, what is important, and where I want to go. It can do the same for you!

Until next time, I wish you all a very safe, happy, healthy and prosperous 2016.

Editor’s note: If indeed you are interested in writing for the TRO Travel Agent Diaries series next year, please email

Stephanie Cannon is the owner of Honeymoons Designed, a home-based agency located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has been a professional travel consultant since 2006 and specializes in Romance Travel. Her focus is on customizing unique, authentic and unforgettable experiences. Most of her client base consists of couples celebrating a honeymoon, destination wedding, anniversary, or vow renewal. She is a recent Certified Tahiti Specialist and currently enrolled in the CTA program.

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