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7 Advanced Social Marketing Tactics

Do you have a great looking social presence, but not as many ‘super fans’ as you’d like?

These ‘super fans’ are an elusive yet powerful voice for your brand. Understanding who these fans are and how to capture their attention is a bit of a challenge, so here are some tactics to identify and engage with them.

  1. Study your social analytics and dive into the details of your ‘engaged fans’. So many times people simply look at the overview of their insights and miss the deep analytics that lurk only a couple of clicks away. For example, many people simply look at the Fans tab in Facebook Page Insights. If you click Insights<People<People Engaged, you’ll be able to contrast the difference between your regular fans and those people that are taking some action with your posts. These ‘super fans’ are the people that can influence and inspire with their likes, comments, and shares.
  2. Dial in to the latest social advertising options.
    1. Instagram ads can now be created and triggered right from your Facebook Power Editor account. Using 1 platform connects you with an easier way to manage and compare your ads across both platforms.
    2. Carousel ads on Facebook open more options for unique, innovative story-telling. Embracing these revolving ad images gives you a fresh way to visually engage your fans with up to 5 images and links in a single ad.
    3. Video ads on Facebook extend your reach and allow you to add a “call to action” button. Ramp up your engagement with short 20-30 second videos that focus on your top destinations, top selling ships, or a new group tour. Using the analytics available for video is a phenomenal way to get a grip on how long your video holds the attention of viewers.
    4. Twitter ad campaigns tailored to specific goals are a powerful way to generate leads, increase video views, and gain new followers.
    5. More ad tips here.
    6. Banish these social ad blunders.
  1. Breakthrough post styles that beg to be shared will catapult your social presence. Consider these tactics:
    1. Include video in as many platforms as available. Did you know that short videos can be added to Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+?
    2. Maximize the power of Google + as an SEO tool. Sometimes marketers forget about adding their own blog posts and website content as a post on Google+. Research shows that when a website link is posted to Google+, it ranks more highly in an organic search. So how about posting your blogs to Google+?
    3. Check out the posting options on Facebook.
      1. You can now create a Carousel post with up to 5 photos and a link.
      2. Elevate your still photos to the next level by using the Facebook “Create a Slideshow” option. Showcase 3-7 photos and Facebook creates a video for you.
    4. Create long pins on Pinterest to capture more attention. Pins that are taller than 1000 pixels receive more re-pins. You can easily don your artist cap and get creative using tools like Canva and PicMonkey to design long pins as well as graphics with text.
  2. Capitalize on your existing social presence and embed posts and tweets into your blog and e-newsletters.
    1. Easily embed a post into your next blog article by capturing the embed code and inserting it into your blog. All the details here. Here’s a quick look:
  1. Easily embed a tweet into your next blog post when you capture the embed code. Step by step guide here. Here’s a quick look:
  1. Install a website plugin to pull your social activity to your website. Check out all the options to pull a live feed from your Facebook and Twitter accounts directly to your website.
  2. Add an app to your Facebook business page to showcase your other social platforms. Check out out WooBox or Votigo. These apps assist with social contests as well. If you choose WooBox, you’ll be able to easily create a link from your Facebook business page directly to your other social sites that you select. The Apps box will look like this on the left side of your Facebook page:

FB apps

  1. Video Opportunities. Some people think that creating video or using a live streaming or live casting video app like Periscope, Meerkat, or Blab is hard to do. The novelty and engagement factors far outweigh the learning curve challenges for many people. How about using live video on your next FAM trip or site inspection? Here are some unique ways to use Blab. Your fans will be mesmerized by the visuals, love the interactive abilities of live streaming, and be even more confident of your professional expertise.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to have your fans be more engaged and help share your content? These marketing tactics will leverage your existing strategies and transform your social engagement.

catherineheegCatherine Heeg, international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing & communication for the travel and tourism industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially.

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