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Leadership qualities and sales opportunities go hand in hand

At first glance, leaders and sales people may seem polar opposites – but think again!  A strong sales person must possess the same qualities that make a strong leader as your success hinges on one critical factor: the trust of your people.  In essence, you’re really saying “Follow Me” to your clients as they entrust their time, money, and travel dreams to you.  Winning long term clients and sustaining happy clients also requires the self-assurance and magnetism of a true leader.  To deliver results in a challenging business, authority, and unflinching confidence are the keys to success.

Building leadership skills goes hand in hand with building the foundation of trust with your clients.  You want to develop a reputation that you are reliable for everything!  If you promise something, deliver it.  If you say you will follow through, do it.  If you see a problem, resolve it.  If you can do all of this with efficiency and a positive attitude, all the better!

So what characteristics does a good leader have that can be incorporated into your business?  According to Stephan Schiffman’s book “The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople”:

In building your clientele take a moment and ask, “Why would someone want to do business with me?  Why will people book with me over so many other options?”  The answer will be because you are a leader!  Earn trust, display confidence, follow through, and the business will follow.

Marti Litwin is an independent Virtuoso travel advisor with En Route Travel in Southern California. She has a Master’s degree from the University of Southern California. Marti shares her value of sharing unforgettable family experiences with her clients. In addition to travel, she enjoys yoga, health and wellness, her 2 children, and an adorable rescued Golden Retriever, Cookie.

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