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The Brand YOU: Decide Your Next Move

“It’s easy to decide what you’re going to do. The hard thing is deciding what you’re not going to do.”

The Brand YOU from the Reinventing Work series by Tom Peters, page 91


I am not sure I agree with the fist sentence of this quote. It is not always easy to decide what is best for you, no less what you are going to do in the short haul. I do agree with sentence #2, however: Habits die hard, and exercising discipline to alter your normal behavior will prove to be a challenge at best.

Click on the book to grab your own copy of "The Brand YOU"
Click on the book to grab your own copy of “The Brand YOU”

The question that needs asking is, “Will the behavior in question help me achieve my defined goals and objectives? Or, will this behavior negatively effect my success path?”

If your next action does not contribute to the well-being of your success path, then it is counter-productive to move forward.

In a similar vein, it is easy to decide that you are going on a diet. The hard part is deciding what not to eat. Here is a tip: Before putting anything in your mouth ask yourself this question: “Will this food contribute to my body’s health, or will it deter?” Similarly, will your next use of time help your business grow, or won’t it? Ask these questions before you decide what to do or eat and you will have a bright future.









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