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The 3 Keys to Empowerment: Think “Better”

“Can we improve on our original idea?”

The 3 Keys to Empowerment by Ken Blanchard, John P. Carlos, and Alan Randolph

Where a lot of people go wrong is thinking that everything worthwhile needs to be new. In fact, most ideas are not new. Just about everything we need today already exists in some way, shape, or form.

So when it comes to thinking of new ideas, I want you to put a small twist on this challenge. I don’t want you to think “new.” I want you to think “different.” Think “better.” Think “more useful.”

You can begin this exercise by writing down those areas in today’s business environment that seem to get people mad, confused, or frustrated. What areas could use a little spit and polish (according to you) out there in business land? It is a jungle out there. Where can you help?

Click on the book to grab your own copy of "The 3 Keys to Empowerment"
Click on the book to grab your own copy of “The 3 Keys to Empowerment”

In other words, what seems to be lacking in your day-to-day transactions? What makes you scratch your head, and has you wishing you had chosen a different path? Are you getting the picture?

Here are a few items that would appear on my list:

  1. People not returning phone calls.
  2. People writing terse, unfriendly emails.
  3. People acting like they are doing me a favor when I want to pay them for a certain service provided.
  4. People not following through in a timely fashion.
  5. People who think the world owes them a living.
  6. People who do not do their homework and then whine about their bad fortune.
  7. People who are lazy and truly want something for nothing.
  8. People who say “No problem” instead of “You’re welcome.” (Pet peeve)

Okay. I admit these may not be on your list, but they give us a starting place to make my point.

Can you spot the common denominator? People seem to be the crux of my unhappiness. And here is some good news for you. You, too, are in the people business. You have plenty of opportunities to shine.

If, and I say “if,” these are areas that I feel need improvement, there are probably many other people out there who feel the same way. So, how can we “improve” on the concept of better communications?

Go down my (your) list again, but this time adding a second and third sentence explaining what you can to do about the shortcoming. How can you make things better and more useful (and easier) for your clients?

In the first example, you can return phone calls as a priority. This small gesture, in and of itself, will position you light years ahead of your competition. I am not joking… light years.

Let’s jump to #5. You are the captain of your own ship. You will reap what you sow. Your new guiding slogan is now, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” Go ahead. Say that out loud five times. Once you begin taking proactive steps toward building the future of your choice, you will begin to show confidence and leadership that will attract others into your world. You will slowly become a role model for others who are also sick and tired of the BS. Go ahead, say it again: “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

Mike presents a business-building webinar on the third Thursday of every month sponsored by AmaWaterways. To receive monthly invitations send Mike an email with the words “business training” in the Subject Box. You will also receive a link to the recorded version.

For information on Mike’s Fourth Annual Training Cruise, email Mike at with the word “cruise” in the subject box.

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