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En Route Travel — wrapping it all up

When first approached to write a monthly column in the Agent Diaries, I thought it would be a great opportunity to motivate and support my colleagues.  What I really underestimated was the amazing value it would add to my personal motivation and growing my travel business!  What started as an annual outline of business improvements to tackle each month such as marketing, obtaining referrals, working with suppliers, etc., has truly changed the way I now see the big picture, and that has trickled down to everyday positive changes.  My biggest take away is that having a year end review and creating a plan for month-by-month evaluation and focus is critical for business success and personal job satisfaction.  I will absolutely commit to an annual plan from now on!

One other aspect of writing the Agent Diary that was helpful is accountability!  Many studies on the success of programs from weight loss to children’s chores cite accountability as a key factor in achieving goals.  Knowing that I actually had to implement, evaluate, and report on the improvements for the month gave a push in motivation and positive direction.

At the beginning of 2016, I had been in the travel business for about 5 years and fairly new to my current agency.  2016 was my strongest year ever for sales and obtaining quality leisure clients, but my biggest milestone is actually how I feel about my business.  We all know the challenges of the business and I’ve made great strides in qualifying clients, preventing issues, and finding resources to assist with FIT’s.  Those few tweaks have bolstered my confidence that not only can I do this job, but also I can enjoy my work!  I really encourage everyone to form boundaries with their business and maintain a happy and well-rounded life outside of work; your health and well-being depend on that balance.

A huge thank you for all of the amazing emails I’ve received; so many readers have supported my efforts and liked the ideas presented.  Overall, the travel business is a warm and supportive environment that is incredibly collaborative.  It’s quite inspiring!  Best wishes for all the best in 2017 and may we all experience a productive and prosperous year.  I would love to keep in touch and can be reached at  Many Thanks and Happy Travels!

Marti Litwin is an independent Virtuoso travel advisor with En Route Travel in Southern California. She has a Master’s degree from the University of Southern California. Marti shares her value of sharing unforgettable family experiences with her clients. In addition to travel, she enjoys yoga, health and wellness, her 2 children, and an adorable rescued Golden Retriever, Cookie.


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