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Talk is Cheap, Communication is Gold

Once you have the proper competitive attitude in place, have clearly selected a specialty that warrants your full attention, and you have listed a number of prospects whom you want to become customers, it is time to begin communicating with them on a regular basis.

I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that the majority, the so-called sales professionals, terminate their business building efforts prematurely. I wish there was a magic pill available that could speed up the process, but as of today’s date such a pill remains in the laboratories.

Building a business takes time. Establishing relationships with future customers takes time. Developing a meaningful communication stream takes time and is the only and fastest way to a profitable business.

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Where most marketers go wrong is thinking, speaking, and writing as if communication was a one-way street. For effective communication to take place, you need a sender and a receiver. Sending information without a prospect receiving it is an exercise in futility.

I’m not going to tell you what words to use or even what you should be saying to your prospects. In today’s article I want to focus on two important areas, that when internalized, will position you high above your competition.

Due to the fact that there is so much noise in the world, people have developed a skill of building a protective cone around them, allowing in what is of specific interest to them. If you try to initiate a conversation based on your personal agenda that has nothing to do with their current interests you are not only spinning your wheels, but becoming a nuisance worthy of avoidance.

Therefore, my suggestion to you is to enter the conversation people are already having with themselves. This is the only way they will stop long enough to give your specific communication an honest shot. Said a different way, people are interested in themselves and don’t care how about you or your agenda. Enter their world on their terms using words that they understand and can connect with is very sound advice.

The second point I want to emphasize today involves the importance of establishing an environment conducive for two-way communication. Here again is where many sales people miss the boat. They feel, in error, that whatever words come out of their mouth are the words that are heard. This, I’m afraid, is sheer folly. Unless the receiver is prepared to listen, chances are they will interpret your message out of context.

Establishing an arena where people will give you their undivided attention is the answer between success and failure in the coming year. The secret is to ask questions to get people to raise their hand, which can be determined as a clear indication of their interest in the subject matter. Remember, starting your presentation prior to gaining attention is a clear waste of your time.

Mike MarchevMike presents a business-building webinar on the third Thursday of every month sponsored by AmaWaterways. To receive a complimentary invitation send Mike an email with the phrase “AmaWaterways” in the Subject Box. You will also receive a link to the recorded version.

For information on Mike’s 6-Week Online Selling Course, email Mike at with the words “sales course” in the subject box.

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