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Tip #6: Make People Glad They Know You.

This tip a is from my Special Report written for recent high school graduates. It is also relevant to most adults. (Make that all adults.)

In Tip #5, I left you with the thought that in order for people to feel glad that they know you, you must appear to be interested in them, their lives, their stories, their experiences, and their opinions.

As you leave the safe confines of your high school environment, you are going to meet hundreds of people in the next few years. (Thousands over your lifetime.) Not every one of these new acquaintances will become your friend. You would not want this to be the case. You do need to know, however, that when you meet people for the first time, only three things can result from this introduction.

1. They can feel better having met you. (positive)

2. They can feel worse having met you. (negative)

3. Meeting you elicits no emotion whatsoever. (neutral)

That’s it. Those are the only three things that can happen when you meet someone for the first time. Go ahead – try to refute this one. Let me save you some time. You can’t.

The truth is that nobody thinks like this. Most people robotically go through introductory motions, stick out their hand, recite their name, and move on with life. But not you. Not now. You will have a strategy that will lead to future success more often than not.

This strategy involves doing, saying, standing, and posturing yourself in a way that will result in people feeling better having met you. This will not come by accident or by any degree of luck. Your new and refreshing introduction will come by design as a result of practice.
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First, you are going to stand tall and exercise the muscles that will result in an eye-catching posture. If you are 6’…stand six feet. If you are 5’3”…stand five-three. Posture speaks volumes about self- confidence. Use what you have. People will notice.

Next you are going to extend your hand to a stranger and offer your name first while looking them in the eye. You will concentrate on hearing how they pronounce their name and you will remember it. (This alone will make you a very special person.) It is often effective to insert their name in your very next sentence. “Jim, it’s nice meeting you.” “Is that Gene with a “G?” If by chance, you did not hear their name clearly, it is a sign of interest if you ask them to repeat it.

Now comes the good part. Get them talking about themselves while you listen intently and look for ways to toss (sincere) interest-laden fuel on the fire. This is easily accomplished by asking questions. Refrain from talking about yourself and never interrupt them or finish their sentence for them. The result: You will have just met another person who is glad that they had the good fortune of meeting you.

Chalk another one up for the good guys.

NOTE: If this sounds in any way, shape, or form like manipulation or as an insincere attempt at self-gratification, you have misread this message. Showing interest in others is the key to establishing sound, working relationships. If you can internalize this single message, you will have a meaningful network (second-to-none) in very short order.

This is just one of the tips Mike Marchev offers High School Graduates who are preparing to enter a world that does not care if they succeed or fail. Do your son, daughter, niece, nephew or next-door neighbor a favor by presenting them with their own copy of 21 Life Changing Tips For The College Bound High School Graduate.
Click Here to Order Now.

Mike MarchevMike presents a business-building webinar on the third Thursday of every month sponsored by AmaWaterways. To receive a complimentary invitation send Mike an email with the phrase “AmaWaterways” in the Subject Box. You will also receive a link to the recorded version.

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