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Beyond the lens of the news in the Virgin Islands

While catastrophic weather impacts each of our businesses routinely, it is still very easy to sit back and wait for the re-build. Hotels are insured we always say. And they are. We see cherry-picked scenes from the news—sometimes horribly inaccurate (I recall a major network filling a pothole with water after Katrina to make it look like the city was still flooded); yet many times they go for the easy shot. Or maybe it is the only shot available. That begs the question, what lies beyond the lens of the news.

Hurricane Irma did a number on the US Virgin Islands. Niko Dellios is digital photographer currently in the islands and was able to put together a video on the destruction we may not have seen on the news. He took prior footage, and re-shot many of the same images in a six-minute before and after video. Take a look.

St. John – Hurricane Irma from Niko Dellios on Vimeo.

If that did not give you pause, check your pulse.

We are in the travel business and we need to help one another and that includes our partners in Puerto Rico…Houston…Virgin Islands…Barbuda…Turks & Caicos…and any other destination that may be the path of destructive weather.

I suggest you personally contribute of course. I did. But also look to your clients and ask them to contribute. You can demonstrate your value, by showing them this video (post it on your Facebook wall, host it on your blog, send it out in an email broadcast) and encourage them to contribute as best they can. And provide them a list of solid resources to help.

Charity Navigator maintains lists for relief organizations for Hurricane Maria, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Harvey, the California Wildfires, the Mexican Earthquake, and more.

We are all in this together. As agents, we need to bring in our clients. As agents, we need to be sure our valued friends and partners in our destinations are going to be alright. This year has been one of the most devastating years in my recent memory. Let’s do what we can to help!


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