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Cool New Social Marketing Tools to Make Your Life Easier

Are you sporting new specs?

Have you just leaped over to a new laptop?

Are you working on a new workout routine?

If you’re like many of us you’ve found that it takes a bit of time to get used to any new tip, tool or trend.   I just got new glasses and I scare myself every time I see my reflection…or try to walk down stairs.

While any change may take a bit of getting used to, I find that the future is usually easier, more efficient and even more fun.

Here’s some exciting new social marketing tools to make your life simpler.

Video Tools

The Basics:  Let’s start with some simple updates to your video tool box to shine some light on your creations.

Intermediate Level:  Ramping up your video skills and quality takes a few more cool tools to have greater impact.

Advanced Level:  Taking your video to the pro-level may involve a videographer and professional lighting.  If that’s not in your budget, how about moving into the world of 360 video and virtual reality

Dive into Details

Have you gotten into the habit of always choosing the same target audiences for your social ads?

Are you consistently using the same words and phrases in your marketing?

If you’d like to break out of that routine to reach your clients and potential clients with words that make them jump off the couch and connect, here’s some easy ways to ‘test your talk’.

These tools combined with your knowledge of Google SEO will help you gain even more traction in your audience selection, key word usage and even determining if your latest great idea is marketable.

When you find yourself saying “I want to try a new_________? “(you fill in the blank here) just banish any bad thoughts and capitalize on the adventure.

While trying something new may seem a bit foreign at first, just like those new specs, they’ll make your life easier and more efficient.

Which will you try first?


catherineheegCatherine Heeg, international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing & communication for the travel and tourism industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially. Connect online for access to free social media resources.

When you ‘like’ her Facebook page you’ll have access to the latest social media news just for travel pros!


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