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Hit Me With Your Best Stuff

I remember telling a room full of high school seniors to run away from negative influences in their lives. I reminded them that it is easier to “neg” people out than it is to lift them up… and that misery loves company… and it is in their best interest to stay away from the “downers” at all costs.

The flip side of this advice is to migrate toward “happening” people. This very same advice holds true for experienced adults, who after all, are just older children. When you come across a person full of ideas and who is not frightened to try new things, make an attempt to hitch your wagon to their stabilizing force and be open to explore the possibilities.

We are all playing on the only game board in town and life has a way of unfolding with or without our consent. The smart money is on the upbeat people in the world. They are out there. You just have to go out and find them.

The power of positive people and positive comments is an interesting phenomenon. Just talking to a “positive” person on the phone or enjoying a few minutes in their company often is enough to lift one’s spirits. (Recently I spent time with an 85-year old woman, (high heels and all who had the mind and the quick wit of one of today’s 30-year-olds. It was both refreshing and stimulating.)

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I have a number of associates I call on a regular basis when I find myself needing a good laugh or wanting to brainstorm myself right out of a less-than-positive mood. It works every time.

If and when you find yourself heading for the doldrums during these trying times, dial up one of your A-Team associates and “snap out of it.” We are all in this thing together and we will all get out of this thing together. Try something new. Attempt something bold. Start “hanging” with more good guys.

One more thing. When somebody calls you, it may be a disguised call for help… to pump some life back into their world. Don’t let them down or disappoint them. Answer the phone this week like you have it together. We need you. We are counting on you. Hit me with your best stuff.

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev freely shares his experiences, strategies and observations with travel professionals in an effort to keep them on top of their game. For a complimentary copy of his 12-Word Marketing Plan send him an email at

Mike’s daily column is made possible by AmaWaterways.


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