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You Are Not For Everybody

But you definitely are for somebody.

I’ve already reminded you, time and again, how effective the simple postcard can be when initiating the sales process.

Since the space is limited; in no way, shape, or form do I want you to try to sell anything when using the postcard technique. Remember: Sales is a process. Step one is designed to lead to step two. Step one is to grab your prospect’s attention.

The question is: What can you write on a postcard to get you to step two? Maybe all you need is a clearly written web site address. That just might do the trick if step two is trying to get your audience to your web page.

You might want to introduce your target audience to a free (complimentary) White Paper or Special Report.

Click Here!

Picture an interested reader taking the “hook” because they are interested in what you are offering. The large attraction is my understanding that you won’t be bugging me to sell me something… at least not immediately.

Do you see what is happening? The postcard leads to a report, that leads to a live conversation, that leads to some written information, that leads to a follow up phone call, that ultimately leads to a sale.

No manipulation. No stress. No overcoming objections and no attempt to upsell. Just an interested prospect voluntarily moving themselves through the process at their own pace.

You may not be for everybody but the people who do show an interest in your services need to be handled with sincerity and respect for their time. Their initial interest should be interpreted as just that … initial interest. It is how you introduce them to your process that will lead to a future business relationship or not.

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev freely shares his experiences, strategies and observations with travel professionals in an effort to keep them on top of their game. For a complimentary copy of his 12-Word Marketing Plan send him an email at

Mike’s daily column is made possible by AmaWaterways.

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