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Marketing Mistake #15: You Get Dispirited and Give Up

Today’s world has become used to experiencing “instant gratification.” We want things now… even sooner if possible. When our Internet connection takes more than five seconds we begin to become agitated. The truth is, everything worthwhile will take longer than first expected. I didn’t make this up. It simply is the way the world spins.

Let’s cut to the chase. Here is today’s message:

People will not buy just because you are ready to sell. They will buy when the time is right for them. Your job then becomes clear. You must maintain visibility throughout their decision process.

How long will that take and when will that be?

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Who knows?

If not today…tomorrow.

If not this month… next month.

If not this year…next year.

If not this decade…next decade.

If you are not planning to go out of business in the near future, you should not be in a hurry to make the next sale. Enjoy building business relationships and try to learn something new along the way.

You have plenty to follow up with the prospects you plugged into your system last year. Your new strategy is to “keep on keeping on.” When your prospect is ready, you will be ready.

Until then, keep adding to your database by filling your sales funnel with potential candidates.

A problem I see over and over again is when sales professionals become disappointed and give up too soon. For years I have been reminding people that 50% of sales people quit after the first contact. An additional 25% call it quits after two attempts. A full 80% of sales happen after the fifth contact or later.

Translation: Don’t take rejection personally. Your job is to probe for new opportunities. If prospects want to eliminate themselves that is fine with you. If clients want to postpone their trip, so be it. You job is to keep hunting for more people you can help.

To close this segment with a quote from the infamous Winston Churchill, “Never, never, never quit.” (Until it is in your total best interest to do so.)

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev freely shares his experiences, strategies and observations with travel professionals in an effort to keep them on top of their game. For a complimentary copy of his 12-Word Marketing Plan send him an email at

Mike’s daily column is made possible by AmaWaterways.

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