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Inject a Little “Personal” Into Your Business Dealings

Combining a little “personal” to your “professionalism” can boost performance and increase quality of care. Yet, in the name of professionalism, we often neglect the human element and adopt a stance that’s abstract and distant.

I am reminded of the many so-called “business professionals” who adopt the phrase, “Don’t take it personally, it’s just business.”

This positioning statement might have been true 20 years ago, but today it borders on lunacy. (Correct that. It was lunacy back then as well.) Business will always be personal, since today’s successful business is built on relationships. And, by its very definition, relationships are personal.

If you want to become a successful business entrepreneur, begin to rely on your personality while showing empathy and interest in your prospects and clients. Begin to take relationships “personally.”

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Lower your protective barriers and show me the real you, flaws and all.

Now to the flip-side of this posturing statement. Keep in mind what I have been reminding you for years on end. Of the two types of people in our world, only one is receptive to your help. When you happen upon a negative response from a prospect you will be wasting your time if you take this rebuff “personally.

This may sound like a blatant contradiction, but another way of positioning you and your services is to take your good client relationships personally. Do not immediately connect rejection as something you have done wrong. Just accept this temporary defeat as a learning lesson and move on.

The days for admiring and rewarding pompous big shots are long gone. Inject a little more “personal” into your communications and get ready to reap the benefits.

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev freely shares his experiences, strategies and observations with travel professionals in an effort to keep them on top of their game. For a complimentary copy of his 12-Word Marketing Plan send him an email at

Mike’s daily column is made possible by AmaWaterways.

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