How to be a Star in your Niche Marketing | Travel Research Online


How to be a Star in your Niche Marketing

We all know the saying, ‘you can’t be everything to everyone’.

Successful niche marketing and specialization in travel are everywhere these days.

There are destination specialists, romance specialists, cruise specialist…the list is as endless as one’s imagination. The most successful of these specialists are doing an amazing job of targeting the right audiences and giving themselves the power to turn away business that doesn’t fit their niche. What an awesome way to focus on clients that matter!

As a DMO, it’s essential to help people realize why your destination needs to be at the top of their bucket list.

As an attraction, the key is letting people know the unique experiences they’ll have when visiting.

The big question I heard from a travel pro the other day was “How do I let people know my niche?”

Social marketing is the perfect opportunity to let the world know your niche.

Let’s look at each social platform to better understand how you can showcase your niche and specialty.


  • On your business page there’s a special section called “Services”. You can add up to 10 different niche markets or specialties by creating a different page for each ‘service’. Having up to 600 words to describe your service, you can provide an overview of your expertise, testimonials, education and products. Remember to add a photo to make your specialty stand out. You may consider setting up a ‘Services’ page for your destination specialties, travel style specialties (adventure, romance, culinary) or group options.
Figure 1 – Showcase your niche market by adding Services to your Business Pa
  • There’s an option to showcase your business ‘Story’ by building out the ‘Story’ section and highlighting each of your niche markets within the text. The ‘Story’ looks a bit like a Facebook Note and the editing options are similar. Remember to create an enticing headline and use bold face to ensure your specialties stand out within the text copy.
Figure 2 – Add a Story to your Business page & showcase your niche
  • These opportunities can be accessed in your ‘Settings’ tab and added to your business page.
  • The About section is an often overlooked opportunity for niche specialists. Remember to let your fan page readers better understand your expertise by adding your professional certifications and awards into the Awards category. Don’t overlook the importance of listing your top suppliers in the Products category. This will show fans that you have a professional relationship with certain suppliers that support your niche market. The Products category is another opportunity to identify and describe your niche markets. Be bold and tell your story in a number of places on your page.
  • Photo Albums need to be as strategically created as the rest of the business page. Consider creating albums for each of your top destinations, ships and style of travel. As a DMO, consider designing albums to reflect the top things to do in your area; outdoor activities, festivals, dining, etc. Avoid these blunders and get to know your fans’ needs better.
  • Personal page – have you made sure that your personal page shows your work and employment correctly? Readers should be able to click on your work section and be taken directly to your business page. Here’s how to set this up.


Your public personal profile settings provide a number of great spots to showcase your niche market specialties.

  • Your Cover Image is a visual way to shine a spotlight on your specialties.
  • On your personal profile, ensure your company name is correct and links to your Company page on LinkedIn. (more about this later)
  • The Summary section is perfect for telling your professional story and highlighting your niche markets. Try to use bullet points for impact. Don’t forget to include your web URL
  • Video in the summary section is an amazing tool to visually focus on your niche.
Figure 3- Showcase your niche on your LinkedIn personal profile
  • Projects section is an often overlooked opportunity to spotlight your niche markets and travel specialties. You can elect to add this section when you visit the “Add Profile Section” tab.
  • Publications section allows you to add articles you’ve written. Simply add links to your blog or outside published articles that support your niche.

Many people miss the important step of setting up a Company Page on LinkedIn. This essential page helps people learn about your business and expertise.

  • Your cover image, business description, Tagline and About section are essential in helping readers understand your niche market.
  • NEW! A clickable button choice has just been added. Selecting Learn More or Contact Us is a great way to lead people to a specific page on your website.

Diving deeper into the options on LinkedIn, you’ll find the opportunity to set up a Showcase Page within your Company Page area. When choosing the name of your Showcase Page, select something related to your niche market. You have the opportunity to set up multiple Showcase pages, maximum 10.

  • Once again your cover image, business description, Tagline and About section are essential in helping readers understand your specific niche market that you focus on in each Showcase Page.

Posting to both your Company page and Showcase pages will bring your niche market front and center for your LinkedIn followers. More LinkedIn strategy tips here.



  • Header Image consistency is valuable across all your social platforms.
  • While the bio section on Twitter is short, be sure to add # to increase findability and to support your niche market
  • Remember to add your website URL
  • Use an app to ensure your Tweets appear on your Facebook business page



  • Profile photo consistency is valuable across all your social platforms.
  • The Bio section is short so make the most of it. Include # that support your niche market
  • Verify your business page to add credibility
  • When you add a new Gram, you can select to add it to your Facebook page as well.
  • Do you need to understand what your fans like? Here’s a quick way to find out.



  • Profile photo consistency is valuable across all your social platforms.
  • The Bio section is short so make the most of it. Include #
  • Claim your website and other social accounts to add credibility and findability
  • Create boards that support your niche market.
  • Use an app to ensure your Pins appear on your Facebook business page.


You Tube

  • Profile photo consistency is valuable across all your social platforms.
  • In the About section, there’s space to add a fairly lengthy bio
  • Remember to add links to your other social site to add credibility and build deeper relationships


Helpful Apps

  • Ensuring that your other social feeds appear on your Facebook page is easy with a free app called WooBox. This is a powerful way to drive people to your other social feeds and develop deeper relationships
  • When you set up the app, it will look like this on your Facebook business page. Notice all the other social platforms in the list of tabs on the left side of your Facebook business page.


Going thru each of your social platforms and doing an audit will help you adjust your message so that your niche market stands out and attracts the type of clients you really want.

While taking the time to refine your profiles and social presence may seem like a waste, isn’t working with the wrong type of client more of a waste? By showcasing your niche markets you’ll be attracting the type of clients who will LOVE you and your specialties. In the end, it will be a time-saver!

PictureCatherine Heeg, international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing & communication for the travel and tourism industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially. Connect online for access to free social media resources.

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