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Make The Call

When the Rolling Stones sang “Time Is On My Side”, they were not talking to you or me. When Simon & Garfunkel suggested that we “kick on down the cobblestones while feeling groovy” they obviously were not aware of the 24/7 thing soon to be coming into vogue.

If nothing else I believe I piqued your interest in wondering where Marchev is going to take this one.

I am certain that you can all benefit from today’s message. 

There are people out there you want to “catch up” with. People you want to talk to. People you still care about. People who you have lost touch with for some foolish reason or another. Stop dragging your feet and make that phone call to that one person in your life that is drifting away.

You are probably waiting for them to call you. They are probably waiting for you to call them. This game parallels the ludicrous game of “road rage.” [Ludicrous? Hey! Look it up.)

You probably have little memory of how this distance unfolded, but who cares? What’s the difference? Rumor has it that you’re the bigger person. Call’em.

I made two of these calls last week.

One to a former business associate (friend) I haven’t spoken to in over 15 years.

The other to another old friend I tried to give up on. I could not understand why he didn’t return my calls. [It didn’t work. True friendship and caring is pretty solid stuff.] I made yet another call and we mended the fence even though it really didn’t need mending. I learned that he was simply embarrassed to call since it had been such a long time. This excuse may justify others, but not you. Be the bigger person. Make the call big person. Contrary to popular belief, time is not on your side. The longer you procrastinate, the harder the pill will be to swallow.

People are busy. Keeping balanced in their little world is a full time job. You (we) must become the exception when it comes to holding relationships together, and we must be big enough and confident enough to make the first move. And the second. And the third if necessary.

We are reminded weekly how fragile life is and how lives can change in a blink of an eye. Just pick up any daily newspaper to see examples of this or tune into your evening news.

Me? I have one more call I am going to make this week which will put me back at a level playing field…until I think of someone else to call.

Click Here!

And this is a good place to be. A place where we feel good about ourselves knowing we are doing everything we can to keep our personal world in tact.

During last week’s second call, I was told that embarrassment was the reason I did not receive a return call. Time can do this. Even a mature individual can succumb to this excuse now and then. Don’t let it happen to you.

Pick up the phone and make the call that will help put your world back in order.

Call a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, mother, father, friend, business associate, or anybody else who has exited your life…creating a feeling of uneasiness.

Hey, if you don’t care, don’t bother. But if something is bothering you, (and only you know who and what it is) take the bull by the horns. Make the call.

Be confident. Be concerned. Be the exception. Make the call. And then, you can kick on down the cobblestones…feeling groovy.

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev freely shares his experiences, strategies and observations with travel professionals in an effort to keep them on top of their game. For a complimentary copy of his 12-Word Marketing Plan send him an email at

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Mike’s daily column is made possible by AmaWaterways.

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