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What Does Zumba Have To Do With Mexico?

I’m glad you asked.

In all probability…nothing. But on the other hand, maybe something.

Zumba is a form of exercise designed to get the ‘ole body back into some semblance of shapeliness. While Mexico is a country that is known for a lot of things, the sombrero being just one of them. So, what’s the deal?

Now that I have your attention, allow me to introduce you to a marketing tool I affectionately call “The Flyer Letter.” For those who are interested in this concept, you can send me an email and I will send you an example of this little jewel of an idea.

A travel client of mine wanted to see if there was an interest with physical fitness experts to conduct a field trip to Mexico, to Zumba the night fantastic. Why Mexico? Who cares? Why Zumba? Why not Zumba?


MAJOR LESSON: Zumba coupled with Mexico is as good as any idea. Why not? Let the marketplace decide. I say let the letter “fly” to see if there is any wind beneath its wings. (I think there may be a song in here somewhere.)


Click Here!

It matters very little what your idea is. The fun comes with writing a Flyer Letter to see who is interested in sitting down with you to discuss the possibilities.

The truth is that most people are too busy to be creative. In fact, they are too busy to even think of anything creative…no less do anything about it. That is where you come in. You do the thinking for them. You consistently bounce ideas off of potential decision makers until a little mud sticks to the wall.

There is no downside to this exercise. Want to see a sample letter. I thought so. Put the word Zumba in the subject box.

It is all about fun. Anybody want to dance?

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev freely shares his experiences, strategies and observations with travel professionals in an effort to keep them on top of their game. For a complimentary copy of his 12-Word Marketing Plan send him an email at

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: To be placed on the distribution list to receive Mike’s Marketing Memo filled with tips and proactive ideas send him an email by CLICKING HERE.

Mike’s daily column is made possible by AmaWaterways.

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