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Spring fever… how to keep yourself motivated

Spring rolls around and Wave Season ends. The flowers bloom, the air smells different, the sun is shining, and I would rather be anywhere than at my desk on a computer. It’s true for me and I suspect for most of us.  You may be a home based agent, part of a team, or managing a team; but spring fever gets us all in some way!  So, what do you do? How do you stay motivated and focused when your mind is in section 200 of the nearest ball park? How do you keep coming to work day in and day out?

Here are a few ways to keep motivated and engaged.

1. Celebrate Your Milestones

We all have a “to-do” list. It may be on your computer or on a notepad. When you complete your list, celebrate! Do a victory lap around the office. Have a sign “X Days With Completed To-Do List” hanging over your shoulder. It will do wonders!

2. Get Educated

Our industry is rife with opportunities. TRO has opportunities. Suppliers have endless opportunities. Host agencies do as well. Find them and develop a curriculum for you and your team for the year!

3. Embrace Your Employees

This tip is more geared to folks with employees. No one likes to be treated as a number. Take an interest in them and reap the rewards. Ask about the little league game or if they made the team. Employees who feel cared for by employers are 1.3 times as likely to stay with the company and are 67 percent more engaged.

4. Be Available

We’re all busy. We all are scheduled to the max! But it is important to “available” for your employees, friends and family.  How often do we hear an older person lamenting that he or she did not spend more time having fun and they were too focused on work. Careers are important. They pay the bills. But family and friends are just as important and you need to remember that and be available to them!

5. Get Rid of Dead Wood

There is dead wood all around. Employees. Suppliers. Landlords. Identify the dead wood and get rid of it. If they are not helping you to succeed, they are contributing to your failure. If you have no dead wood–congratulations! Now go outside and chop some real dead wood.

How do you keep yourself and your employees motivated and engaged? Share your tips in a comment and we’ll put them together in a future column.


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