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You Can Let Go of Selling Everything

This is the first of seven articles in a series titled Discover Your Group Niche. You will be able find the others in our Point-to-Point section.

If an archer was instructed to hit the white, black, blue, red and yellow target areas with a single arrow they would fail. If their objective was to land an arrow within one color only they would succeed—with practice.

Agents attempting to sell everything to everybody is an exercise in futility. Even your suppliers have taken aim. Royal Caribbean sell cruise vacations. Villas of Distinction sell villa vacations. Trek Travel sell cycling trips.

What specifically are you selling?

If your answer is a mix of everything, it’s time for you to choose something versus everything. Frightened? Don’t be. The hardest part is deciding to decide and I know you will BECAUSE SO MANY OTHERS HAVE BOLDLY MADE THIS CHOICE ALREADY.

My friend and New York Times Best Selling Author Don Hutson (also a keynote speaker in Group Sales Success Summit 1) once told me, “Your business plan will make you more money when it is an inch wide and a mile deep versus an inch deep and a mile wide.”

In Expert Secrets, Russell Brunson says, “The riches are in the niches.”

Challenged? You could seek wisdom from mentors, coaches, consultants and colleagues. Perhaps an outside perspective will illuminate your habits, characteristics and passions.

Even your best customers can help! Everyone around you sees what gets you really excited.

First, take private thinking time and get introspective. You have my permission to start selling what’s FUN for you, comes EASY for you, and gives YOU the most JOY.


Stuart Cohen, Chief Motivation Officer at

If you can think big, Stuart will help you do big! An accomplished 28-year travel industry executive turned serial solopreneur, Stuart is a creator of brands and an energizing motivational speaker. He motivates & maximizes personal performance in leadership, entrepreneurship, salesmanship & wellness.

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