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Are all of your systems a go?

Late last month, the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and NASA (along with Northrup Grumman) presented Apollo 50 Go for the Moon. It was a spectacular (if not blazingly hot) few evenings on the National Mall for 500,000 lucky people. As it was 50 years ago as the Apollo 11 mission took off for the moon, all systems were go to celebrate the anniversary.

Without the systems in place, the original launch, landing, and walk never would have happened. And without the systems in place in Washington on July 20th, the re-reation never would have happened. Are your systems in place?

A system is a planned-out series of steps taken at the right time, in the right order, to ensure the desired result.

You observe systems in action each and every day.

Every time you visit a Starbucks, your barista takes a series of steps to make sure that the right drink gets to the right person at the right time.

Every time you make a reservation at a restaurant, the staff uses a system to make sure that the right number of seats are saved for the right person at the right time.

Every time you order a product online … every time you make an appointment for a haircut …

You get the picture!

Systems, when properly executed will keep things moving along. And these systems do not need to be nearly as complex as NASA’s; but, they do need to be in place.

Every week, I make a “to-do” list on a lined notepad. No, not on the computer on a pad that sits on my desk front and center, 24-7. Every Sunday, I put all the uncompleted items on a new sheet for the new week and add the tasks for the upcoming week. Lather, rinse and repeat. And yes, some of the tasks are seemingly never complete. I include important tasks as well as “it’d be nice to do this sometime” tasks.

Client retention is also on a system. I have reminders set up in my CMS to make sure I am reaching out to them individually (this is NOT my newsletter) at least four times a year—even if nothing more than to say hello.

The client booking process is also on a system. When a new reservation is being considered, I have pre-set reminders to follow up until it becomes a sale or a no-sale. If it is a sale, then there are more reminders set to complete the process—deposits, information, final payments, documents, destination information, passport information, last minute information, and post trip follow up.

And even my newsletter has a system. You sign up and you get an automated reply asking if you really meant to sign up along with what to expect. I send a series of “on-boarding” emails each highlighting a different aspect of my business—who I am, what we do, client testimonials, etc. With that, I am keeping them in the loop until my first monthly newsletter arrives.

A system tends to keep, well “all systems go” as they say. At least that has been my experience. How about you? What systems do you have…leave me a comment!

PS: And for the 326,500,000 of you that were not in DC July 16-20, take 20 minutes and watch this! I’m actually in this—I’m the one holding up the iPhone taking a photo!



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