Social Overload & Overwhelm: How to Avoid the Chaos | Travel Research Online


Social Overload & Overwhelm: How to Avoid the Chaos

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and overloaded with social marketing, selling, accounting and balancing life & work? Whew! It’s a lot of juggling, isn’t it?

How can we make better use of our social marketing time and effort?

A tourism pro recently threw this question out to me in a workshop I was leading. So, I decided to put together a short video with some quick tips to help you avoid the social marketing overwhelm so many of us feel.

It’s no secret that live streaming video is THE way to go! Don’t waste your time….max-out the time you spend going live with these tips.



Now that the secret is out and you’ve listened in on 5 tips to make the most of your video marketing time, what about the struggle many of us face with overload.

You know what I mean; too much information flowing over our phones and social feeds. If we, as tourism pros, are feeling it; we can assume that our fans and followers are feeling it too. How can we avoid that overload? More specifically, how many posts on our business pages are too many?

Let’s look at the facts and myths of social post reach and do some myth-busting!

Myth: Posting too often is bad for my business

Fact: Not all your posts are seen by all of your fans!

As much as we’d like to think all of our content is epic, the algorithms of each social platform don’t agree.

So, the bottom line is while only a portion of our fans see a post, the other fans may not be seeing much from our page.

Experts find that the way to ensure more fans see our content (but not overwhelming fans with too many posts), is to create high quality, relevant content consistently. We don’t want to post just for the sake of getting content out there.

Myth: I want to advertise a post but hear it’s a waste of money and I don’t want to overwhelm my fans.

Fact: It is a waste of money… if… you don’t target your audiences narrowly enough to ensure your ad is relevant to that audience.

So many times I hear travel pros say they’ve set up an audience and targeted people in their area within a certain age group. Period!

Audience Targeting Tips

There are so many finer points to consider when setting up an audience. Consider answering these targeting questions about your ‘perfect client’ when defining your next audience avatar:

  1. What does this avatar LOVE to do in their spare time?
  2. What publications do they read?
  3. What sports do they watch?
  4. What sports do they participate in?
  5. Which types of art do they enjoy?
  6. What types of food do they enjoy?
  7. What was their college major? (this is helpful if you’re targeting band or choir directors for student tours)
  8. What is their job title?
  9. What companies or causes do they support?

Each of these targeting options can help you define the perfect person (avatar) that would love your next tour, style of travel or your destination. More ad targeting tips here.

Still not sure if your ad will resonate with your audience? Now you can upload multiple assets and Facebook will mix and match them to find the option that works best for YOUR audience. It’s a bit of advertising magic.

Check out Dynamic Ads. Here’s the highlights:

Dynamic Creative Ads

  • Deliver multiple ad variations
  • Learn what works for your audience
  • Upload or Create:
    • Up to 10 images, videos or slideshows
    • 5 ad texts
    • 5 ad headlines
    • 5 link descriptions
    • 5 call-to-action buttons
  • Follow template for easy set-up and creation
  • Preview your ads
  • Dynamic ad set creation & set-up tips here

While we want to escape the overload and overwhelm of our modern society, we all still value learning and seeing relevant content that’s customized to our interests. Plus, we want to save time doing it.

Help your fans and followers escape the chaos by creating content that’s targeted to them. They’ll thank YOU by engaging with your great content… and ultimately (we hope) trusting you with their vacation!

PictureCatherine Heeg, international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing & communication for the travel and tourism industry. Join the conversation and connect with her at and socially. Connect online for access to free social media resources.

When you ‘like’ her Facebook page you’ll have access to the latest social media news just for travel pros!

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