The Art Of Learning | Travel Research Online


The Art Of Learning

You guessed it! This is the title of my latest read: The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin.

This kid won his first National Chess Championship at the age of nine and went on to win a Martial Arts National Title before he was old enough to drink. This kid ought to get together with Jordan Sparks to teach people how to touch all the bases before puberty sets in.

I thought who better to learn from than a kid who understands the art of learning? It is a good book, although I am only half finished.

What does this have to do with marketing? Something.

Here is a single example of one of the phrases I found myself underlining:

“The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually growth comes at the expense of previous comfort and safety.”

Read the above quote again and if you have a problem understanding it, simply leave out the words “organic” and “static.”

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Said my way: “Do more than what you’re doing today in a way that is different from the way you are doing it. Learn from your screw-ups and then get back to enjoying the process.”

Look, it has often been said that although marketing works, albeit most of time it works poorly. Challenge yourself to think like the chess player who is thinking beyond his next move. Exercise the discipline of a martial arts champion who does not insist on instant gratification.

Similar to the game of chess and the martial arts, marketing is a process requiring focus, discipline, practice and understanding. Live it. Study it. Practice it. Celebrate it.

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is recognized for his down-to-earth, street-savvy and honest delivery of useful sales and marketing advice, suggestions, tactics and strategies. For a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled: 11 Sales Mistakes You Must Avoid send Mike an email with the word TRO-11 in the Subject Box.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: To be placed on the distribution list to receive Mike’s Marketing Memo filled with tips and proactive ideas send him an email by CLICKING HERE.

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