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Weight Watchers vs Marketing Watchers

My wife went to Weight Watchers once upon a time. We’re joined at the hip. Whatever she does, I do. I went to Weight Watchers. When you go to Weight Watchers, they give food points. You adhere to the point system, you will lose weight. This system works. I felt it work.

Weight Watchers works. I went home and I said, “You know, if it works for weight, it’s going to work for marketing.” So I went home and I put the point system in place with marketing. I gave points to different marketing strategies. I figured if you accumulated a certain number of points every week, you would become successful.

Today I am not “selling” you the system. I just want to introduce you to the concept because you can do this yourself.

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I marked down different marketing points: preparation, letters, post cards, e-mails, networking, customer service, telephone, press release, meetings, testimonials, business cards, broadcasts, proposals, seminars, formal events, and trade shows. I then gave each one of those little segments a random point value. I said, “I don’t care what you do, but if you accumulate 100 points a week of whatever marketing tactic you choose to perform, over time and being persistent and consistent, you, will have a nice customer base at the end of the year.

I saw how this system worked for loosing weight and the same system will work for you for gaining accounts. Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself for the next six months. You will be glad you did.

Bottom Line: Make it your business to pay attention to the little things.

Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is recognized for his down-to-earth, street-savvy and honest delivery of useful sales and marketing advice, suggestions, tactics and strategies. For a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled: 11 Sales Mistakes You Must Avoid send Mike an email with the word TRO-11 in the Subject Box.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: To be placed on the distribution list to receive Mike’s Marketing Memo filled with tips and proactive ideas send him an email by CLICKING HERE.

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