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A Disciplined Life Is The Key

“Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right. The secret to success is to choose the right habit and bring just enough discipline to establish it.”

The plight of today’s entrepreneur is that they feel they have to do everything; and heaven knows there is plenty to do! To complicate things, they never seem to have enough time to get it all done. Too much to do… not enough time to do it.

This has the earmarks of a true conundrum. But the truth is that you have all the time there is, and you can’t possibly do it all… nor do you have to.

Here is the solution, and I assure you it is easier to read than to implement:

In order to W.I.N. you must determine what’s important now. That acronym is so meaningful they wrote a book about it. Major Learning Point: On every to-do list, regardless of the number of tasks listed, there is just one thing that represents “THE” one thing.

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I realize that it would be easy to address points 1, 3, 6, 12, and 22 and cross all five off the list immediately. That would really look like you are cooking with gas and getting lots of things done.

Regardless of the length of the list, there is a single entry (the “one thing”) that requires your undivided attention. This “one” thing is the most important thing.

Focus on that “one thing” until completed or until you arrive at a logical stopping point. Then, you guessed it, turn your full attention to the next “one thing.”

Turn your attention away from quantity and toward quality. Identify that “one thing” on your list and get busy.

Now, writing this suggestion is easy. Reading it is even easier. Now it is up to you to identify your “one thing” right now and make it your immediate business to get it done. Not later. Now.


Mike Marchev
Mike Marchev is a down-to-earth motivating sales trainer, author and business coach who specializes in the travel industry. Mike’s column is made possible by AmaWaterways.

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