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Memory vs Documentation

They tell me that the older you get the shorter your memory. I am not sure if this is true or not, but as soon as I remember why I’m writing this article, the sooner you will benefit from our time spent together today.

I remember. I am finding it to be uncomfortably true that I am forgetting more and more – faster and faster. They say this is partly due to the fact that we have an enormous amount of data thrown at us every day – from every direction. In short, we are introduced to too much stuff for our brains to sort through.

Other smart guys remind us that we only use a small portion of our brain. I hesitate to think that my brain is maxed out, so I am going to endorse the “too much stuff” theory.

If this is a fact, and I truly believe it is a fact, then we must do everything we can to make sure important information does not fall through the cracks. I can think of only one way to make sure of this. Write it all down. And I mean write it ALL down.

Document what needs doing. Document what needs remembering. Document your promises. Document what you just completed. Document everything.

I recently read that when you take what is in your head and put it down on paper, a great mental release surges through you. Your stress level goes down and you immediately find yourself at more peace with the world. That may sound a bit Guru-ish but to me it is definitely worth a shot.

I’ll keep you posted and let me know how it works for you. Start documenting.
Now, what was I doing before starting to write?

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Mike Marchev

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